Hello folks, or should I say random web reader! Or perhaps you are here on purpose. Or maybe you are a humanized or automatized bot or crawler, doing your scheduled intelligence for whatever reason you do that every now and again. Either way, now that you are here, this probably means you read at least one of my posts and are now wondering who I am? Well, even though I believe in privacy on the net, I guess when you are having a blog this is not really possible to maintain. Therefore, I created this page so I can introduce myself a little and say something about the blog itself. My name is Milan, and basically, this would be just a stream of my texts, thoughts, or whatever I think it's worthwhile publishing. Actually, I don't think of myself as a writer, especially in written English, which is not my native language, and the fact is that this is not what I do best. What I do best is programming, and I have been doing that for several decades professionally. I like to think that I am one of those at the other end of the outsourcing chain. However, writing is sort of a habit I am enjoying more and more with every passing year. The feeling is just right and as long as I have ideas, inspiration and imagination, I will be around.

On the other end, I really wish to have more time for writing, but free time is something precious these days, and ultimately, in short, I decided to establish a blog instead of actively participating on several social networks. I think it is important; after all, every now and then, I have something to say. It's not always smart or right to the money, but this way it will stay written rather than forgotten, and someday far in the future it will be a nice collection of thoughts and written memories.
The blog structure itself is more or less the same as what you can stumble on in all other blogs on the web. Additionally, my own background within web design and website development is giving me a chance to maintain a little bit of a customized look and feel for the complete application. I chose Blogger to host it mainly because it is one of the best services out there, and they did a really great job connecting blogs with other services, not to mention that using client scripting is free and almost without any limitation.
Please do not hesitate to share stories you like on your favorite network for discussion, feedback, complaints, etc. Also, any comments and feedback from the posts are more than welcome. Of course, the blog is equipped with an RSS feed you can also find at the top menu of every page. Use it within any RSS readers or capable browsers to subscribe to it within your reading list. There are also all of my social contacts listed below with their representative icons. Please feel free to contact me on any occasion and for any feedback.
Milan's Public Journal is in a way an open book where I am adding new posts once or twice a month, and over time it accumulated more than a hundred titles. With the blog growing in size monthly, I decided to use Blogger's scripting tools and create a Table of Contents and topic threads you can access from the blog's menu.