My first encounter with intelligence quotient, aka IQ, was 25 years ago during my preliminary exam for the mandatory military service. In those years, Serbia was part of a former socialist federation of Yugoslavia along with a couple of more countries, and avoiding army service was impossible. Everybody had to go to serve the "time" for one whole year, and they used those preliminary tests to better fit you into a suitable unit, and doing a form of an IQ test was part of it. They didn't give us the result, but I probably did it pretty well since they put me to be the main operator of a ground-to-ground missile unit. At least my little bit higher intelligence than average "soldier" spared me from the mud, dirt, long marches, carrying heavy weaponry, and other meaningless activities of the service. So I spent most of the time in a classroom surrounded by state-of-the-art simulators, playing video games made specially for practicing real-time guidance of the missil...