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TV Shows Addiction

Addiction is a strong word, yes, but can it be implied to watching TV shows? I guess it might, if you are watching TV too much, whatever that means. If it can and if I count last couple of years then yes, I am mildly addicted to TV shows, as I am only doing it couple of days of week. Every week. Except for the summer. Hmm, maybe even on the summer. Lightly. Ok, I need help.... :) From time to time I am wondering why I like watching TV shows that much and the answer is simple really, I need something to distract me from regular daily routine and I always feel it's a good thing. After an hour or two of entertainment I always feel refreshed for the rest of the day. In the past I was enjoying movies in theaters, VHS tapes, DVDs, but they are short and doesn't give you much to think later. In movies you always have closure of some kind. TV shows are different. It's like ongoing movie happening every week, and I always have some thoughts and questions after it. What is goi...