What separates me from being an atheist and keep me into looking the world with skeptical eyes is the unknown and yet-not-explained phenomenons. Among all of them, the top mystery around us, is life itself, self-awareness, consciousness mind, brain functionality and prayer. Yes, prayer. Let me put it this way - unless we live in a delusional world where major population on Earth is doing their religious rituals in vain on daily bases, this topic deserves proper research in regards to brain functionality and social influences to life as we know it. Prayer itself should not be seen and studied as a ritual connected only to religious behavior. If you dismiss all super-divine entities and misusing prayer for questionable reasons to ask for favors, such as health, salvation, fame, victory or winning lottery numbers and transfer it into form of meditation, perhaps we should start understanding how everything works, even a little bit could be a threshold of breakthrough in scientific r...