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EU moves towards unitary statehood?

Original post date: August 2011, Update: June 2016 Today, after so called #brexit or "United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union" I thought it would be nice time to revive one of my old posts related to European Union dated five years ago. I wanted to put my own thoughts to the test and see if anything changed within my political views and EU after half a decade ... and just like I thought in the first place I couldn't find anything more to say. So here they are - the same thoughts from before only slightly enhanced with new images and small syntax corrections. --- Original post August 2011 ----- I read today very interesting Big Think article regarding European Union and the future of this big political project ( Europe Moves Towards Unitary Statehood ) and I can't resist not to post couple of thoughts about it. After all, I am living in Europe, geographically and politically speaking and it would be at least little strange of not having a modest opinio...