Actually this post is not about men in charge or the ultimate manager's tool or even furniture. It is about hardware, at least the way I am am experiencing the items in my office. What I want to say is when I buy a new computer, which is my ultimate tool I essentially need for my job, I research first its CPU speed, graphics depth, mobility features, monitor bigness and brightness, but now, things are changed.. My former 'the chair' office The other day my wife asked me what I would like the most for my birthday and after I gave it a little thought I said the ultimate hardware tool for my office - her majesty - The Chair. Previously I had a small and flexible "programmer stylish" chair I thought it was good for all my needs... But with years of age it comes the wisdom. I suddenly realized that beside my "software developer" title, in my one-man-show company, I am also proud owner of all other cool acronyms: CEO, CTO, CMO, BCM, CFO, COO, AIX, B2B...