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Resurrection, Holy Grail and Dark Matter

Let me ask you a hypothetical question. What would you first type into a time machine if you had one? Would it be some date in the past or in the distant future? Would you go to meet Neanderthals or perhaps to take a photo of a T-Rex family from the distance? Or perhaps you'd go to see some historically relevant times to meet famous people from the past? Well, there is no doubt for me—one of my first time travels would definitely be 33AD, April 1st. The time of Christ and his last days, the time of the last supper, his death and resurrection. I have no idea how I would be able to hide my Nikon and smartphone, but I am sure I would find a way. Every tourist trip requires a camera, doesn't it? However, there would be other challenges, and in this case, even if I tried to dress accordingly and mingled into a crowd, understanding old Aramaic, which was spoken by most of Jesus followers, or old Hebrew, Latin, or Greek used officially among Jewish people or within Roman administratio...