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Why You Should Use a VPN Over TOR

The internet has grown so large that it now has a hand in almost every part of our daily living. We reside in smart homes connected by some part of the internet, run a series of transactions and save sensitive files online, to mention but a few. Learning from the stories of big companies like Yahoo and Uber that have suffered massive attacks from hackers in the past, it would thus not be surprising that you be interested in keeping your cyber life as secure as can be. Looking at the various options available, only two stand out when it comes to protecting your data on the internet. They are: The Tor Browser and VPN services What is TOR? Short for ‘The Onion Router,’ TOR is the most secure browser you can access the internet with. The browser has been developed with military-grade security in mind. If that means anything, it’s that you get as much security as possible when browsing the internet. Connecting to the internet via a TOR browser, your data goes through a syst...


My first encounter with intelligence quotient, aka IQ, was 25 years ago during my preliminary exam for the mandatory military service. In those years, Serbia was part of a former socialist federation of Yugoslavia along with a couple of more countries, and avoiding army service was impossible. Everybody had to go to serve the "time" for one whole year, and they used those preliminary tests to better fit you into a suitable unit, and doing a form of an IQ test was part of it. They didn't give us the result, but I probably did it pretty well since they put me to be the main operator of a ground-to-ground missile unit. At least my little bit higher intelligence than average "soldier" spared me from the mud, dirt, long marches, carrying heavy weaponry, and other meaningless activities of the service. So I spent most of the time in a classroom surrounded by state-of-the-art simulators, playing video games made specially for practicing real-time guidance of the missil...

Friendly IoT or Daemon of WarGames

Is the Internet dangerous? Well, yes, we know all the hazards of spending all the work hours behind monitor screens, browsing the web at home, doing social networking, playing online games, watching YouTube, staring at smartphone little displays, or for whatever reasons we sit above our keyboards most of the time every day. That's indeed what we first think of all the negative aspects of the mighty global network, but today I am not referring to all the potential medical issues inherited from too long sitting on the chair or everyday looking into the LCD screen. I also don't mean the obvious social and/or physiological outcomes from letting the virtual world take over the real one for more and more people every day. No, I mean the real danger. Did the Internet overcome the pure network system and become a tool for mass destruction or a background tool for criminal activities? Can someone use the internet to hurt somebody or to perform a murder? Either directly or indirectly? Ca...

Is Life a Zero-Player Game?

Think about it. If life really is some sort of game and we are just characters in one giant artificial intelligence play, then... Well, let's just say that we can safely recognize not very enjoyable rules we unconscionably must obey. They are simple. We must play the game. We can't quit the game. We can't win. Oh, and yes, if life really is a game, then we are only either slaves in one master-puppeteer god-like performance, or we could be just a bunch of units interacting with each other in a sort of limited free will world or a world where free will is just an illusion. Now, if life really WAS a game, what would you prefer?