Let's assume you are in possession of a time travel device or some fringe wormhole portal with the possibility of taking you way backwards in time and back. If I had one, I would probably turn myself into some sort of time paparazzi and return with tons of high-quality digital photographs of historical events, places, and people. Well, never mind that, time travel always opens lots of questions, but in light of today's 'what-if' thought experiment, let me ask you one question. So, what would you do if you, during your time travels, stumbled into some sort of natural disaster in the middle of some tribal settlement of late stone age, around, say, 7000 years ago, and realized there was just one survivor—a small boy, around 2 years old, endlessly crying in the bottom of his destroyed tent? After a little hesitation, you realized you were his only hope, so you took the boy and went through the portal with him back into our time. What do you think will happen with the boy? W...