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Cyberpunk of Altered Carbon

In almost all cyberpunk masterpieces in literature, comics, movies, games, or whatever media exposure we think of when it comes to this genre, the settings are familiar. Dark atmosphere in both social and technological aspects of the story with dystopian surroundings and a thin, distinguished line between all characters within, no matter whether they are good or bad. I can't tell exactly why, but despite all the prosaic backgrounds and used stereotypes, I actually like this literary movement, perhaps because of the fact that people can't be really divided into good and bad per se. We are all combinations of all possible adjectives out there, and their summary is what makes us what we are. Actually, this is more accurate and closer to the truth compared to the "normal" or "usual" fiction with its ordinary hero-villain relations and idealized characters. Of course, like in any other genre, there are many poor and unmentionable works but also a couple of those ...

Robert Langdon vs Desmond Hughes

Stories and speculations about human origin are always fascinating. Ever since Darwin's " Origin of Species ", published in the middle of the 19th century, was truly one of those real breakthroughs in scientific thought. However, even though it is widely accepted by the mainstream and to date no alternative theory exists, if we disregard religion, that is, the theory of evolution is not complete. In it's core, Darwin's natural selection of life is 'only' describing the evolution as a process. How life adapts to changes. Trials and errors of survival of species. The entanglement of life and environment. What happens if one species collides with another? But the origin is something entirely else. No valued theory is anywhere on the horizon. What happened at the very beginning is still a mystery. We just... don't know. Hence... the stories and speculations. This October, my reading time has been reserved for two books about human origin. Coincidentall...

Blade Runner vs Change Agent

DNA is a fascinating world. That single molecule of life contains all the information about an individual living being. Any bacteria, plant, insect, algae, fish, animal, or human grows from that one molecule of seed. Probably even some alien form is still waiting to be discovered on some moon orbiting Jupiter or Saturn. In one way or another, the same could be true with all life in the universe. All of us are grown from that single instruction manual inside the single DNA set of written directions. And there are no two identical DNAs in existence; even if we could mix the same two identical human egg and sperm cells several times, similar but different resulted DNA would always be the outcome. We are surely still not mastering DNA and bioengineering—it is still young science, and even though one giant molecule of life was hinted at by various scientists and scholars more than a century ago, it was only in the early fifties of the 20th century when James Watson and Francis Crick created...

Martian vs Expanse

In wide variety of entire expanse of science fiction genre, Martians are inevitable players. Even the most popular "Little Green Men" phrase from the early comic books, at the beginning referred to the aliens from Mars. However, this year, when it comes to motion pictures, two great master pieces will come to life and all without LGM in classical meaning of the word. There will be no aliens on Mars this time and all the Martians in upcoming movie and TV series will actually be humans. Moreover, the science in background is returning to the front door and accompanying stories will immediately be more valid, more plausible and more ... amazing. And this is what I like the most in good and old Verne's type of Sci-Fi. In short, give me more science and just a hint of fiction to spice the things up and I am happy. You probably already guessed, it is about filming amazing books I have already written about on the blog - "The Martian" by Andy Weir and "The ...