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Forgettable Year

Some years are more memorable than others, and there's no doubt that this is one of those subjective feelings if we are looking at the past solar cycle from an individual point of view. Some are forgettable and disappointing by using the same perspective. If I had to judge about 2016, I would say it was one of those forgettable ones. Perhaps not really because of what happened badly or poorly during the past twelve months but rather of what didn't happen again. Perhaps it was me who once again made a mistake and had higher expectations from humanity and ended in a sort of letdown once more. Obama & Medvedev at Ray's Hell Burger in 2010 Actually, if we want to get into disappointment fast, it's easy; the only thing we need to do is to have a glimpse or two of worldwide politics and worldwide affairs. But it wasn't always like that. Every now and again we get ourselves into the illusion that things can be perfect, or better to say the least. Ever since Ba...

Genetic Genealogy

Recently, my five years old boy asked me the question I knew it would eventually come. The very question all parents are inevitably facing with, when the right time comes. With my son it came in the most simplest form: "What is God?" popped occasionally after tons of OMGs he heard everywhere in his realm of cartoons, video games, YouTube channels and TV shows. I wasn't prepared completely. I mean I had pretty good idea of how to explain mythical phenomenons, unknown and unexplainable tales and the very concept of belief, but I didn't know how to do it without destroying Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and other fairy tales he enjoys every year. To me, it's much too early for that age in life. It would only add disappointment and confusion and its better to leave it for little later. So I performed good and old evasive maneuvers and in a couple of curves succeeded in changing the topic and postponing the inevitable for the next time which will come probably sooner than I...