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Power of Music

YouTube is really one great service. Probably one of the best online tools there is. But it is not without issues and glitches. Recently, after our vacation, I uploaded a video I took on the Lichadonisia beach with our guide and our Greek hosts teaching our (mostly female) group to dance with syrtaki (Greek: συρτάκι) music, and even though the music clearly came from the beach-bar loudspeakers, YouTube 'found' that I was using protected and copyrighted content, and the video clip was blocked in one country, and you will never guess which—Germany. I am still laughing and endlessly trying to find logic behind this silly automation. Nevertheless, and ever since then, I am not embedding music background by myself anymore and rather using YouTube's selection instead. With today's video, I played with two combinations and got an extraordinary result. The first video is accelerated and embedded with a horror-typed tune. For the other, I used the most cheerful music I could ...

Digital Photos and Video Clips

When I bought my first digital camera back in 2003 (HP PhotoSmart C850) new digital era started for me and beginning from that date I currently have about 6000 photos and 1000 videos in my collection or 67.7 GB of storage space occupied on several computers or HD media. Comparing to sum of up to 500 analog photos I scanned from pre-digital era this is really a milestone in everybody's family collection. Early color photos - Analog SLR, Polaroid and Point&Shoot Pushed by my father's old analog photo laboratory when I was a little kid I got interested in photography. We always tended to make some not so ordinary photos - nice black&white and early color photos with having not only people on them. There are plenty of out of ordinary staged photos. I remember we even made montaged photos including couple of UFOs we made out of kitchen plates, modeling clay and fishing strings. It looks like photoshopping today destroyed all that productivity, since there is no need...