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How Infrastructure as Code Is the Future of IT

For a long time, IT infrastructure has been a problem for enterprises. It requires significant investment and expertise to set up. This has traditionally made it difficult for operations to manage their IT resources at the optimal levels. They would either waste money by going over their needs or they would create problems for their teams by not investing enough in resources. This all started to change when cloud computing became widely available. With cloud computing services, you had an affordable option that made it possible to buy resources that are targeted toward your needs. Not only that, but the resources were much more flexible and they could easily scale with your operation. While it did relieve a major issue for some enterprises, cloud computing does still have its complications. You still need to manage, monitor and configure resources. This can be time-consuming and complicated for teams that need to work on things like DevSecOps . Fortunately, solutions like Infrastruc...

Why You Should Use a VPN Over TOR

The internet has grown so large that it now has a hand in almost every part of our daily living. We reside in smart homes connected by some part of the internet, run a series of transactions and save sensitive files online, to mention but a few. Learning from the stories of big companies like Yahoo and Uber that have suffered massive attacks from hackers in the past, it would thus not be surprising that you be interested in keeping your cyber life as secure as can be. Looking at the various options available, only two stand out when it comes to protecting your data on the internet. They are: The Tor Browser and VPN services What is TOR? Short for ‘The Onion Router,’ TOR is the most secure browser you can access the internet with. The browser has been developed with military-grade security in mind. If that means anything, it’s that you get as much security as possible when browsing the internet. Connecting to the internet via a TOR browser, your data goes through a syst...

Virtual vs Augmented Reality

Have you ever thought about what is the major waste of time in everybody's lifespan? I am not talking about lost time you made by choosing a bad movie or book. Nor about spending months in the company of incompatible people or within a single relationship with no spark of good chemistry. I am not even thinking about wasting years at a poorly chosen school or job. No. There is one more, even worse, time waste we are all experiencing no matter who we are or where we come from. On a daily basis. I am referring to one simple thing we are all taking for granted. Sleeping. Something we do for eight or so straight hours every night. No exceptions. Something we do by design of nature. Now, currently, in this very century, if we are talking about lifespan globally, it is estimated to be around 70 years in average. Someplace little more, other places little less, depending on quality of life within our societies. Well, if you ask me, and considering the enormous vastness of the universe in b...

DarkNet, Deep Web and Bitcoins

Mwahahaha. Muahahahahahahah. Finally, they got me. I tried to defy crossing to the dark side for so long... But I couldn't help myself. Resistance was futile. It always is. As of today, I am proud to announce that I finally joined and opened my first Darknet page. Every Yin has its own Yang, and today this blog earned its own Yang page. Or was it yin page? Hmmm, that's unclear and surely depends on the point of view, and in the case of the almighty Internet and its Darknets and Clearnets, what is Yin and what is Yang is not intelligibly comprehensible, especially if you are familiar with the internet background and its traffic, packets, sniffing, crawling, protocols, addresses, TCP sources, and lots of other technicalities. Anyhow, please behold my first Darknet page, which you will never find by googling and searching. For all the mainstream sake, it doesn't exist. Even if they find it, I will change the node and the link and go even deeper into the dark shadows of the net...

Hipsters, Nontroversies, Frankenfood and Frakking Selfies

I read a little while ago an article by one of the pretty well-known Serbian filmmaker, which was also known by couple of rewards from Cannes and other European movie festivals from the past. His article was titled with "How's gonna start the third world war" and even though I hinted what it might be inside I started reading it expecting something rational and smart. To be honest, I couldn't read it to the end due to the feeling that my intelligence was started being insulted not too far away from the intriguing title. You can find the link below if you are really eager to read it, but in the nutshell, this is one of those stories made by the guys who lost their compass on the way and think they know everything better than the others. In the article, when he started accusing Hollywood industry in general for taking the role of new cold war propaganda machinery, I couldn't get rid of the image from the past when he was wearing a tuxedo on several occasions eagerly ...


"Summertime and the livin' is easy..." sang Ella Fitzgerald back in 1957 with tremendous help of one of the kind crispy voice of legendary Louis Armstrong. Even though the most famous lullaby ever, written by Ira and George Gershwin for the "Porgy and Bess" opera from the thirties of 20th century, is not really about the hottest season and happiness per se, one thing is for sure - whatever you do, summertime is definitely the period of year when everything is smooth and nothing dramatic is happening.. At least nothing intentionally. Pure R&R. Even the work hours are passing by somehow easy and without big turbulence. Humphrey Bogart in 'The Maltese Falcon'* As for me, ever since I decided to go low with my social online life, after just couple of weeks I noticed positive change in my daily routine. The feeling was almost like solving addiction of some kind and even comparable to the past when I said definite goodbye to cigarettes after leavin...

TV Shows - Documentaries

When I was young, back then in my primary school, when I was more or less 10 years old, I remember my favorite part during working days was special TV program for school kids broadcasted every day in morning hours with mixture of great educational documentaries and movies. After school we rushed home to watch those popular documentaries giving us maybe even better knowledge enriched with colorful multimedia experience than we could learn in school. I will always remember those days back in 70s and later in early 80s when black and white TV era ended and color TV entered the homes in great style, probably comparable to what internet added to home computers decade or so ago. The most memorable and probably the most popular TV show about nature, biology, zoology and science in general was "The World of Survival", British famous documentary of the time narrated by various famous people and promoted by naturalists like David Bellamy. I still remember and quote from time to time...