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Power of Music

YouTube is really one great service. Probably one of the best online tools there is. But it is not without issues and glitches. Recently, after our vacation, I uploaded a video I took on the Lichadonisia beach with our guide and our Greek hosts teaching our (mostly female) group to dance with syrtaki (Greek: συρτάκι) music, and even though the music clearly came from the beach-bar loudspeakers, YouTube 'found' that I was using protected and copyrighted content, and the video clip was blocked in one country, and you will never guess which—Germany. I am still laughing and endlessly trying to find logic behind this silly automation. Nevertheless, and ever since then, I am not embedding music background by myself anymore and rather using YouTube's selection instead. With today's video, I played with two combinations and got an extraordinary result. The first video is accelerated and embedded with a horror-typed tune. For the other, I used the most cheerful music I could ...

United Nations

Do you remember United Nations? The worldwide organisation created just after the sunset of World War Two with mainly one goal - to prevent global warfare in the future and to deal with our planet outside the boundaries of it's members? United Nations Security Council* Yes, it still exists, somewhere on the island of Manhattan, with its powerless debates and Security Council decisions without much responsibilities for those who signed them as well as for those affected in any way. Sadly, the power of global government never actually made to UN, despite all the good efforts throughout the years and it always staid with those in individual countries, or groups of them, either politically or geographically or ideologically divided. The truth is that there was no big decision in the history of the mankind, either good or bad, that is made by some mutual organisation of any kind. Those are all made by either one man alone in some sort of dictatorship, or by a small group of li...

Car Buying Nightmare

To be honest buying a new car isn't really a nightmare per se, but it's not a great entertainment either as I thought it would be. All my previous cars were used ones and bought from previous owners and I thought buying a new one would be great new pleasurable experience. It turned to be more about calculations, evaluations and responsibility than pure pleasure. This is my experience and take it only as another blog entry of mine, it's not a recommendation of any kind and I am not trying to advertise any products here or car itself. Just a short story. Ok, to start with I had first to sell my 10 years old Peugeot 206. It was great small automobile and it served us extremely well, but as it got two digits birthday I felt now is the time to let it go. Used car market in Serbia is extremely large. Majority of people are driving 5-6 years or older cars, imported from western Europe countries and there are lots of dealers everywhere you look. I thought I would never sell it a...