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It's Sunday afternoon, and outside is freaking cold, deep below zero. Viktor is playing 'Angry Birds' trying to find out how to collect the ultimate egg he's missing in the collection, and my wife is watching a live tennis match between Serbia and Sweden taking place in our city this weekend. Since I have no better ideas (and available home gadgets I can play with), I thought to open the old laptop and write something 'smart' about international sport and its worldwide importance. Well, on second thought, maybe a better idea would be to start reading a book, as I am not really a sports kind of guy, and this is not going to be a really smart post of mine, but what a hack! At least this way it will stay written for some future reference. So, I wonder how to start this... Let me think... I know, I'd start with the NHL game I was watching a couple of days ago. I have no idea who was playing; I am sure some important teams at the top of the competition, bu...

Basketball, The Game of all Games

Have you ever thought about first ever practicing team sport on a grand scale? Perhaps, like mine, your first thought could be some competition within ancient Olympic games, right? Well, no, the old Greeks didn't like team sports at all; instead, their first athletes competed within what we consider today as individual sports or disciplines. Boxing, racing, running, jumping, wrestling, throwing, and similar individual competitions or fighting. However, on the other end of the world, and perhaps at more or less the same time, ancient Chinese practiced sport competition just the same, and during the Han Dynasty around 3rd century BC, it was documented a game that resembles very much modern football or soccer, if you will. It was called Tsu'Chu with kicking the ball in the field in the team effort and with the goal of putting the ball in the net. But perhaps millennium before Tsu'Chu, on the third ancient continent, the origin of another modern sport was invented first, and i...

Nerdiness or Geekdom

I don't think anybody can be characterized with just one word. Not until you actually meet somebody to the core and connect with true friendship. Maybe not even then. People change over time. Slightly, but they do. For instance, when you spot a big bald guy with a large tattoo on his neck, wearing a blackish uniform, heavily armed, working as a guard, or something with a face on a first glance telling you that you should avoid any conflict with him at any hour, don't judge him just yet. He might be thinking how he hates his job and can't wait to get home and continue reading some poem about early Buddhism or a good bestseller novel about love and adventure. For that matter, don't make any assumptions about a nice and well-dressed guy with great manners and perfect vocabulary. He could be a psychopath perfectly capable of fooling any lie detector driven by his emotionless life. It's simple; you can do what I do; never believe your eyes or first impression. In order ...

Superstition vs Religion

There is no doubt that this comparison or question if you will is as old as humanity itself. Perhaps the basic idea of invisible forces driving human beings and everything around started to occupy human mind ever since it evolved beyond simple survival or in those prehistorical times when our ancestors started thinking about things not always related to eating, sleeping and populating the planet. It definitely originated way back in the time when people started to paint the cave walls. In the time when human mind started to use the most powerful feature other species still waiting to emerge. The power of imagination. The birth of superstition and religion didn't wait much longer after humans started daydreaming. What did I do?* I am always getting back and reading lots of articles out there trying to find the best explanation of what is the main difference between superstition and religion. There are lots of philosopher's, religious or even scientific thoughts trying to...

Breakthrough Discoveries

I am not sure where to start this post or to better say, which point in history of time I'd choose when something extraordinary happened for the first time and started the domination of humans over all other species competing on Earth. Was it the discovery of fire and learning how to start it? Maybe it was rather the discovery of tools to make everyday life easier and made us the ultimate predator? Even though these two can definitively be classified as breakthrough discoveries, if you ask me, what was more important back in that period of prehistoric era was the point in evolution of human brain when we started to dream. The time when brain cells evolved to the point when we started to use imagination and to think outside the boundaries of simple survival. That point in history of mankind is maybe the most important of them all. It was the time when first images appeared on the cave walls, first simple houses and camps started to exist. We started to bury and mourn the dead and t...