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Basketball, The Game of all Games

Have you ever thought about first ever practicing team sport on a grand scale? Perhaps, like mine, your first thought could be some competition within ancient Olympic games, right? Well, no, the old Greeks didn't like team sports at all; instead, their first athletes competed within what we consider today as individual sports or disciplines. Boxing, racing, running, jumping, wrestling, throwing, and similar individual competitions or fighting. However, on the other end of the world, and perhaps at more or less the same time, ancient Chinese practiced sport competition just the same, and during the Han Dynasty around 3rd century BC, it was documented a game that resembles very much modern football or soccer, if you will. It was called Tsu'Chu with kicking the ball in the field in the team effort and with the goal of putting the ball in the net. But perhaps millennium before Tsu'Chu, on the third ancient continent, the origin of another modern sport was invented first, and i...