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EU moves towards unitary statehood?

Original post date: August 2011, Update: June 2016 Today, after so-called #brexit or "United Kingdom withdrawal from the European Union", I thought it would be nice time to revive one of my old posts related to the European Union dated five years ago. I wanted to put my own thoughts to the test and see if anything changed within my political views and EU after half a decade... and just like I thought in the first place, I couldn't find anything more to say. So here they are—the same thoughts from before, only slightly enhanced with new images and small syntax corrections. --- Original post August 2011 ----- I read today a very interesting Big Think article regarding the European Union and the future of this big political project ( Europe Moves Towards Unitary Statehood ) , and I can't resist not to post a couple of thoughts about it. After all, I am living in Europe, geographically and politically speaking, and it would be at least a little strange to not have ...

What's Wrong with Society?

It's simple, really. Nothing is wrong with it. Society, like anything else created by our social behavior, has been following human evolution ever since we started living together within small and functionally organized communities. In the beginning there was a simple need for this—it was impossible for just one man to hunt down one, for example, mammoth or to defend a family from the herd of prehistoric saber-tooth tigers, and the only solution was to get together and organize a little for the mutual benefit. Not to mention the everlasting need for prolonging the species, which also required, sort of, well, socializing with a member of the opposite gender. Mammoth hunt and prehistoric society* We can only wish that things were as simple as they were millennia ago. If we disregard the fact that socializing in order to save the species didn't change much from the times where humans shared the habitat with mammoths, all other aspects of one human society, due to the thous...

Military Sidetrack

I have a small challenge for you in a form of a quick quiz question: You must use just one word in order to describe following paragraph: "You sleep in small rooms with other people usually on bank-beds and everyday you must get up and be out of bed exactly at 5 hundred hours and go outside to do physical exercises where you are usually forced to sing songs with no significant meanings. Three times a day you wait in line in order to eat or you don't get any food. You have to wear the same clothing like all others, take weekly showers in large mutual bathrooms and in other parts of the day you have to work on assigned jobs or learn how to survive fight with other people similar to you." I don't know but I've been told So what is it? I am sure there are several words with different meanings that easily fits the description but in relation to what I am going to write in this post the chosen word is: The Army. In this particular case, there is no room for a...

Anti-piracy War

Last week was very exiting on the global scale regarding everlasting anti-piracy war. Only this time, instead of real criminals somebody else could really suffer. Somebody like Wikipedia for example. The whole activity raises more questions now and maybe the biggest one is who was the real target with this SOPA and PIPA last week and who was really responsible? Well, I have no doubts about that. It's the politics and politicians. With vast number of parliaments, congresses, senates or whatever these institutions are named in worldwide democracies, the biggest background activity known as political lobby will always be there. This works really simple, you have money and you want some law to be established to expand your business even more? Not a problem, just hire some advocacy firm to lobby your goal and over time, if you are persistent enough you will succeed - politicians belong to those people who "change their minds" easily. They don't really care if somebo...

Real Democracy System

Back in 2008, Google organized conceptual contest named "Project 10^100". The primary goal of the project was to select ideas that are capable to change the World on a global scale. The period of the change had to be 2 years, so the idea needed to be radical and yet plausible. I was thinking that inventing something completely new could be waste of time as nothing new unless it is truly breakthrough is capable of achieving anything in such short period of time, so the only way was to radically change something already in works on a global scale. So, I thought of democracy. Why not? It's the old system with long rusty roots almost unchanged in past millennium and more and I finally submitted the idea that would eventually get rid of politicians by using a voting system that would replace parliaments with the technology and politicians with ordinary people. Anyway, here is the RDS idea of mine exactly the same as submitted back in 2008.  I am sure this way or another it w...