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Believable Dystopia

Do you like stories or movies with dystopian premise in the background? I do. It's simple. They feel extremely real and believable and reflect the very possible future of nowadays societies throughout the world. In some of those worldwide cultures, this is reality now. Just check the news feed from the Middle East or glimpse a couple of images from devastated cities ruled by unknown people with covered faces and guns in their arms, and you will understand what I am trying to say. Anyway, generally, and even though I maintain post-apocalyptic threads on the blog, I don't really like all those stories with zombies, vampires, or pandemic virus strains capable of turning the entire human race into horror. They don't seem plausible to me for many reasons I tried to explain before*. However, believable dystopia is another thing entirely, and the story that perfectly represents it on multiple levels is Dan Haight's "Pac Fish" series with first book I recently read, ...

Real Democracy System

Back in 2008, Google organized conceptual contest named "Project 10^100". The primary goal of the project was to select ideas that are capable to change the World on a global scale. The period of the change had to be 2 years, so the idea needed to be radical and yet plausible. I was thinking that inventing something completely new could be waste of time as nothing new unless it is truly breakthrough is capable of achieving anything in such short period of time, so the only way was to radically change something already in works on a global scale. So, I thought of democracy. Why not? It's the old system with long rusty roots almost unchanged in past millennium and more and I finally submitted the idea that would eventually get rid of politicians by using a voting system that would replace parliaments with the technology and politicians with ordinary people. Anyway, here is the RDS idea of mine exactly the same as submitted back in 2008.  I am sure this way or another it w...